Wednesday 21 November 2012

Take me as I am...

So, it's certainly no secret that I'm a bit of a talker, or that I'm a little bit mental.

I want to get my story out there using any platform possible as a means to help as many people as possible.

I'm going to make a concentrated effort to be as regular with updating the blog and vlog as much as I possibly can. I'm aiming to update at least once a fortnight.

So, here I am.

If you can't stand the video version of me, just continue reading the posts - But whatever you do, get the word out and pass it on.

Let's put a stop to the shoulder shrugging and the humming and ha-ing that we get with Endo.

Let's get our shit heard, ya'll.
It's time for a change in the way this disease is perceived.

Love and Sunshine


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