Thursday, 14 March 2013

I wear my heart on my sleeve

In this case, quite literally.

February 22nd was very much a day of needles.

In the morning, I endured five hours of tattooing to start on my sleeve, and in the afternoon I had my final jab of Zoladex --- EVER.

Looking back, I have come to realise that it's almost somewhat symbolic.

I have this tattoo to symbolise my struggles and the strength I've gained from my Endo, and then I undergo the final course of a drug which I have struggled with and have required strength to continue fighting.

I thought I might do a bit of explaining as to why this particular image resonates with me enough to have it permanently etched onto my arm.

With all my tattoos, they have meaning and tell a story - But I've chosen to do them in such a way that to anyone just taking them for face value would think "Oh, that's interesting/that's cool" and not have any clue as to the symbolism behind them.

For instance:

The small Celtic cross located between my shoulder blades.
I got this when I was 18. It was my 18th birthday present to myself.
Anyone who looks at it immediately thinks it's some form of tribal butterfly.
It absolutely does look like that. Which is one of the one reasons I love it - Butterflies symbolise change.
But the reason behind such a varied style of a Celtic cross is because I'm half Irish.
Not watered down half Irish. Legitimately half Irish.
Having said that, I don't identify too strongly with my Celtic roots, so that was my way of honoring them, without it being overly obvious.

The roses, vine and ladybug on my ribcage.
Again, another birthday present to myself. This time, my 21st.
It is what it looks like. Roses, on a vine, with a ladybug on one of the leaves.
I have two fully blossomed roses, one partially blossomed and one rosebud.
There is a rose each for my daughters father and I. The partially blossomed rose to symbolise my daughter and a rosebud as a symbol of our new life.
The ladybug was another little symbol for my daughter, as the minute we found out I was carrying a girl, she was nicknamed 'Edde-Bug' and I've been collecting ladybug paraphenalia ever since.
The vine is a symbol of the journey ahead of us as parents.

The Braille on my inner left bicep
"Trust your struggle".
I had this inked in Braille as it was symbolic to how blind the doctors and everyone around me (myself included) are when it comes to the struggles that we face as Endo sufferers.
I chose to get it on my bicep as, obviously, flashing  your biceps is what you do when you want to show someone how strong you are.
At the time leading up to, and including, when I got this particular tattoo, I was going through a rough patch, feeling pretty worthless and wondering why I was even bothering... It was just proving too difficult.
I got this as a reminder that no matter how hard things get, we are only ever given as much as we can handle and that it's all for a reason.

The latest addition!

Rosie the Riveter and two roses

The best picture I could take by myself!
This was the unbelievable amazing donation by Jeremy Gill of Tattoo Machine on Dixon Street here in Wellington.
I've spoken about this tattoo in a previous post, and now I have it and I couldn't be happier.
I love her.
Now, Rosie the Riveter was the image used in the early 1940s as the poster girl for women in the male workforce while the men were away fighting in WWII.
The reason I chose this particular image is because for me, she is the epitome of female strength when times were tough and a symbol for female empowerment.
The original poster shows Rosie with a speech bubble saying "We Can Do It"  - And whereas this is pertaining to covering vacancies left by men fighting at war, can very easily be translated to the situation I find myself in on a daily basis.
"This is too hard" - I CAN DO IT
The roses, I got two of them - One for each ovary - But also as a symbol of love.
In this instance, it's self love - Something I struggle with hugely.

As I previously stated, I love her.
I am so so happy with this latest addition and I have absolutely no regrets.
I will forever be grateful to Gil for his talents and time and for the compassion and kindness he has shown me.

Until next time,

Love and Sunshine,


A total pain in the arse

... It's a bloody shit topic to be writing about.

And yes.
Me being the Queen of Innuendo that I am, I am being completely literal.

So, for the last few months (roughly four), I have been experiencing the odd bout of rectal bleeding along with my 'motions'.
I had already been to have this checked out once before and was told the likely cause was a hemorrhoid which is likely to have been caused due to one of my many episodes of constipation which is brought about as a result of the pain relief I am taking daily (for the most part).

About two weeks ago, after what can only be described as a completely hectic month, I wound up back in hospital - My pain was absolutely ferocious and despite having a severe case of 'The Runs' (most likely caused by not looking after myself properly and being stressed to the max), I was experiencing a horrendous amounts of blood every time I went to the bathroom.

I'm sorry - Too far?

It was honestly terrifying.

Fearing that something was seriously amiss and not having the ability, or desire, to continue struggling by myself at home, off to the A&E I went.
It'd had been a good six or so weeks since my last decent hospital stay, and I was quite proud of the fact.

It didn't take long for it to turn to custard and for me to lose the plot though, as once I had been admitted and I was greeted in the morning by my specialist, I was told something that sent me spiralling out of control and deeper into myself and my depression.

I was told that, given we had had six months of Zoladex (complete with night sweats, hot flashes, horrendous mood swings, weight gain, skin deterioration...) and not had a positive result from it, that his instinct was that it isn't Endo that we're dealing with.
Did he give me an alternative?


Me: (through burning tears of anger, hurt and frustration) "So, let me get this straight. You're basically telling me now that we're back at square one. That we don't have an answer and that there's nothing more you're going to do?"
Him: "Unfortunately, yes"

Wait. You cannot be serious?
That's all you have to say to me?
After all the times you fobbed me off to your gang of muppets.
After all those times  you've left me laying in a hospital bed, doing nothing constructive.
That's all you're going to say?
"Unfortunately, yes".

It's a good thing he left when he did, because my tears soon turned into a rage of menopausal fury, and I would have donkey kicked him in the throat had he still been standing in front of me.

From the fury came despair and I couldn't help but fall apart at the seams.
The seams that I had so tentatively tried to hold together, burst like a dam and I couldn't for the life of me control the emotion that flooded out of me.
Massive gulps of air, as if I was desperately trying to suck back in some of the pride that I was losing with each tear, followed by loud, heaving sobs that I couldn't hold back.

I tried to pull myself together so that I could relay this latest bit of information with The Lad, but within moments, I was back to the squeaking, sobbing mess that I had been just moments before.

I felt so defeated.
I realise that I've said that before... But I don't think I truly understood the meaning of the word until recently.

It just seemed as though, despite everything I had been trying to do was all for nought, and now I was back at the drawing board, not knowing where to go from here.

Since I was discharged from the hospital, I have really, really been struggling with my depression.
There have been a lot of contributing factors, but being put back in the 'unknown' has certainly been the biggest.
There's been a lot of stuff happening, which should be exciting and fun and happy - But I've just been in this perpetual state of the 'Fuck-Its'... So much that I haven't been able to get excited or be happy about all the amazing things that are going on around me.

Instead, I've been feeling sorry for myself, worrying that I'm going to be left behind and forgotten.
I worry that, because I seemingly have no control over my situation and that I can't plan for a week from now (let alone months) and that I have so much baggage and extra stress that nobody else should have to deal with, that sooner or later people are going to realising this, leave me and I'm going to wind up bitter and alone.

I couldn't find work.
I haven't been able to find a house to live in, because nobody wants and unemployed sickness beneficiary with a child living with them and I can't afford to live alone...

So, I got fed up. I got angry.
I got rid of the 'Fuck-Its' and turned it into 'Fuck-Yous', and out of spite towards everyone and the world around me, I ramped up my search and started applying for every-single-job I felt I was capable of doing... On average, applying for at least eight jobs a week.

Day after day, my inbox was filled with emails stating I had not been successful, and day after day, I became more and more frustrated.

Then, within a couple of hours of an application to a particularly successful and renowned salon and clinic here in Wellington, I received an email asking to come in for an interview.
That interview turned into a rather informal trial.
I was then asked to come in fo a full day to do a 'proper' trial, where I worked my makeup magic on a Mother of the Bride, two Bridesmaids, performed nail services on another Bridesmaid and the salon manager and gave the current beauty therapist a facial.

Tomorrow... I go in to discuss hours, pay and all the other semantics associated with a new contract.

I'm excited!
I'm so happy to be going back into work, especially in such a well established salon doing stuff that I am passionate about and really, really good at.
I'm also dubious. I wonder if I'm rushing into things. Whether I am, in fact, capable of working.

All this happening in the space of a week, as a result of me getting angry with the world and sticking my middle finger up to it.

You know what they say... God works in mysterious ways.

I have appointments to attend on Monday, one with the Chroic Pain team and also my Gynae specialist.
I know exactly what I'm going into my specialist appointment to say - I will be putting my foot down. Well and truly.
I have a gut instinct as to what is going on, and if he refuses to acknowledge it as a possibility and investigate further, I will be left with no option than to fork out the big bucks (ugh, that just made my pocket wince) and seek advice from a specialist at a private treatment centre who I have heard nothing but wonderful things about.

With all this being said.
I'm claiming my life back. Finally
Endo has had the best of me these past five years... These last seven months especially.

It's time to bring back the 'old' me... Bring back the 'real' me.

Bring it on.

Love and Sunshine,


(P.S: It was a hemmaroid causing the bleeding. I nicknamed it 'Hemi' - Because it's a males name, and males are known to be a pain in the ass at the best of times)