Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Verbal Diarrhea

Hey guys,

I apologise for the fact it's been so long since my last update
Things have been more than just a little bit manic here, and I've got so much racing through my head lately that I've been having a really hard time sitting down and trying to write without it becoming a horrible, incomprehensible, rambling mess which makes no sense whatsoever.
So! I decided to ramble to a camera instead.

Love and Sunshine,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Serenity,

    Can I just say I stopped watching halfway as you were getting upset and I feel for you so much I couldn't bare watching.. I just wanted to say a few words.. First of all (I don't know if it is private or everyone will be able to read this... I will just say a few words and then introduce myself better on Facebook).. So firstly my name is Marianne and I have Fibromyalgia, PMS, IBS and also apparently a mild form of Lupus which "clever" doctors here are saying is in remission now. I live in the UK now with my husband, I am about to turn 30 in a week (next Monday)... I have been home since last September and not been able to get a job as my situation is very similar, especially when you talk about how you feel.... I am very impulsive so I had this urge to write to you and ask you if you'd like to talk sometime? I'd love to try and share experiences or at least to try and help or just talk.. If you'd like? I will write to you on Facebook anyway and let you decide.
    Thank you for your video as I almost watched it all. You're most certainly not alone. Hang in there.
    Kind Regards,
